Molecular Instrument Center photo


The UCLA Molecular Instrumentation Center (MIC) in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is open to UCLA researchers, other academic institutions, and commercial enterprises. MIC encompasses four major areas: Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Diffraction, Materials Characterization, Electron Microscopy, and High-Throughput Synthesis. Please follow the steps below to gain access to MIC facilities.


The Molecular Instrumentation Center acknowledges the following for support:

UCLA Division of Physical Sciences

NSF-MRI award 1625776 is acknowledged for the SQUID in the Material Science Facility

NSF-MRI award 1532232 is acknowledged for the solid-state AV600SS in the NMR Facility

The S10 program of the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs, under grant S10OD028644, is acknowledged for the NEO600 in the NMR Facility 

NSF-MRI award 2117480 is acknowledged for the EPR instrument